Privacy Policy



Silenciosa is committed to protecting and respecting privacy and treating personal data in compliance with applicable national and European legislation.

This data protection policy (together with our Terms and Conditions) establishes the conditions under which we process all personal data that we collect or are provided to us. By visiting this Website, the practices described in this policy are accepted and consented.

For the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and by which is repealed Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter, “Gen- eral data protection regulation”), applicable as of May 25, 2018.



We may collect and process the following user data:

  • Information you provide us. You can provide us with information about you by filling out the forms on our Website or our profiles or pages on social networks, or by contacting us by phone, email or any other communication system.
  • Information we During each of the visits to our Website, we may automatically collect the following information:
    • technical information, for example, about the browser or the device with which the site is accessed, etc .;
    • information about the visit, for example, through which website has been reached, the duration of the visit, etc.
  • Information we receive from other sources. We work closely with third parties (including, for example, business partners and subcontractors in technical, payment and delivery services) and may receive infor- mation about you through them.



We use the information for the following purposes:

Information you provide us. We will use this information:

  • to carry out our obligations derived from any contract concluded between the parties and to provide you with the information, products, articles and services that you For these purposes, we may transfer some of this data - but only to the extent that they are necessary to fulfill our mission - to the courier com- pany or to the financial entity with which this Website works;
  • to provide you with information about other goods and services offered that are similar to those that you have already acquired or in which you have shown interest;
  • to facilitate or allow certain third parties to provide information about goods or services that, in our opi- nion, may interest In case you were already a customer, we will contact you exclusively electronically (email or SMS) with information about goods and services similar to those previously acquired. In case you are a new customer, if we allow certain third parties to use your data, we or those third parties will contact you electronically only if you have shown consent. If you do not want us to use your personal data in this way or share your data with third parties for commercial purposes, check the corresponding box on the data collection form (the [purchase form or registration form]);

Information we collect. We will use this information:

  • to administer, put into operation and improve our Website and ensure that it is presented in the most effec- tive way;
  • as part of our efforts to keep our Website safe and secure;
  • to suggest and recommend to you and other users of our Website, goods and services that may be of inte-

Information we receive from other sources. We may combine this information with the information you pro- vide and the information we collect to use it for the purposes described above.



We may share your personal information with any member of our group, and you should only provide us with your information if you agree with it.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties:

  • In the event that we sell or buy (or plan to sell or buy) any company or asset, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the future buyer or seller of said company or said asset.
  • If a third party acquires SHHH Silenciosa, L. or almost all of your assets, in which case the personal data of your customers will belong to the transferred assets.
  • If we are required to disclose or disseminate personal data to comply with any legal requirement or to apply or enforce our Terms and This includes the exchange of information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection purposes.



The data we collect may be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area ( ‘EEA’) destination and store it in this. They may also be processed by non-EEA personnel working for us or for any of our su- ppliers. Such personnel can be dedicated, among other functions, to the execution of orders, the processing of payment information and the provision of assistance services. By providing your personal data, you show your agreement with this storage, transmission or treatment. We will try, as far as possible, to ensure the safe handling of data, in accordance with this data protection policy.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the internet is not completely secure. Although we will try to protect your personal data by all means, we cannot guarantee the security of the information transmitted to our website; Any transmission is made at your own risk. Once your information is received, we will use rigo- rous security processes and elements to try to prevent unauthorized access.


You can access your personal data in order to modify, delete, correct or exercise your rights of opposition, lim- itation of treatment, portability and the right to oblivion through your personal account data. In addition, you can always go to the address of for your exercise.

In any case, you have the right to request that we not process your personal data for commercial purposes. You can also exercise this right by contacting us at .

Occasionally, our website may include links to or from third-party websites. If you are directed by a link to any of these websites, please note that these have their own data protection policies, of which we are not responsible.



The current regulation gives you the right to access your personal information. To do this, you must send an email to



Any changes made to our data protection policy in the future will be published on this page and will be no- tified by email if applicable. Visit this page regularly to learn about updates or changes made to our data pro- tection policy.



We welcome all kinds of questions, comments and requests related to this data protection policy. You should go to


Our Website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our Website. This allows us to offer you a good browsing experience, as well as improve the website. Check our Cookies Policy.



Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit some web pages to offer you an experience adapted to you every time you visit that site; It is a file that is downloaded to your computer / smartphone / tablet when accessing certain web pages to store and retrieve information about the navigation that is done from that computer.

In Silenciosa Velocidad Speed we use cookies to make the page easier to use, and help us know how to im- prove the website to make online shopping and browsing easier.

We do not store any personal information in our cookies, and cookies cannot be used to damage your com- puter.


Below you can see a list of cookies used by, along with a brief description about their use.




Session cookie

These cookies are used to store your shopping activity throughout your session on the site,

allowing us to keep your shopping cart updated throughout the page.

Local selection

These cookies are used to store information about your preferred location, to ensure that

we show the correct prices and shipping options for all products on the page.

Remember Me

Keep your Silent Speed account active on your computer when you select the “Remember

Me” option when entering your account.

Persistent basket

We use this cookie to store an encrypted key that we can use to keep your basket updated

for 30 days.

Send to a friend

Check you have the right to receive a discount for “send to a friend” or if the person who

sent you is entitled to the voucher.

THIRD PARTY COOKIES also works with a third party cookies selection that helps us improve our web experi- ence.



Google, Inc. (“Google”), a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphithe- ater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, USA.

Information cap- tured by Google and information provided to Silen- ciosa Velocidad

Google Analytics captures user interactions on the website (time of visit, if the user has been to the site before, which site has recommended the user to visit the website in ques- tion , IP address, etc.).


Google Analytics does not provide Silent Speed with information about the user’s real IP address: it only provides statistical information consisting of visits (unique visitors, num- ber of page views, page / view, average visit duration,% bounce,% of visits new, new and recurring visitors, frequency and recent visits, interactions, pages visited), demographic data (language, country / territory, city), system (browser, operating system, Internet ac- cess provider, device category), source / means, medium.


Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that allows site owners to know the degree of user involvement with their website. Google Analytics customers can view various re- ports describing how users who visit their websites interact with the purpose of improv- ing them. Google Analytics collects information anonymously, that is, reports on site trends without identifying its users.



Google Analytics is governed by the general Google conditions accessible at http://www. and the Google privacy policies accessible at http://www. policies / privacy / and vacyoverview.html


The user may, at any time, deactivate Google Analytics cookies, by:



The Google Analytics opt-out system accessible at tout?hl=en



Browser settings; for example:

•  Chrome, from py?hl=en&answer=95647


•  Explorer, from kies-in-internet-explorer-9


•  Firefox, from kies-que-los-sitios-we

•  Safari, from



Disabling cookies from Google Analytics will not prevent the use of this website.


Silenciosa cannot control and is not responsible for the content and veracity of Google’s terms and conditions and privacy policies referenced in this cookie policy.